Missing love

Welcome to the Struggles of children

Pregnant with lack of parent’s affection,

As pain is carried in their daily reflection,

A constant affliction of the past,

that you not good enough…

Piercing their present to HI care

And taking their future thoughts into intensive Care.

With no remedy to heal their scars

While their needs have taken the BACKSTAGE

Rather of partner’s wants a VIP experience.

They CRY in need of recognition,redefintion,redemption

Of the unconditional love,

they severely mourn for.

They are overcrowded with emotions to where they belong.

They wonder seeking to fill the void

As the voice continues screaming of

All the harshness of the world

Afterall ,that is the only thing that makes perfect sense.

The outside worldview…

Beloved lover

My family never knew what pain felt like
Till my body became a designated crime scene
In the praise and worship of unconditional love,
For you
Gifted my loved ones with a unplanned burial
As compared to expected wedding
Wreath rather than colourful bouquet
Joy to endless pain
Without no gain
Of conscience on your side.

How I wish
I had let you go
From the first hit my corpse now speaks of.

Your death

At the back of my shattered heart
I had hoped you were in a vacation
For it was not your decision
To leave me 
All alone
Even when I saw your lifeless body in a coffin
It felt like a fairytale
For my thoughts have not registered with the current reality
Each day has become a fatality
I wish to spend one last moment with you again.
I wish to have opened my feelings to you.
Perhaps,you would still be here with me.


I recall of those childhood days,

Of how we were told,

Blood is thicker than water,

With each generation that pass,

Rather families have become battlefield,

Forever ready for war…

Where Bloodline is reduced to its watery state.

Our Oxygenated veins blocked,

Arteries clogged,

Our vision blackened,

Our legs overdosed with exaggerated fluid,


Our abdomen bathe in poison around dreamland.

All in the mighty name of power and inheritance.

We fear not killing our kinsman,

Thinking we are invisible to death.

We have amputated our thoughts to no growth but selfish desires,

While hissing sweet nothing to others known innocence.

We congratulate,terminate their well deserved achievement,

Bcs we are pretenders….

Homes are left in isolation,

Our reality in deep desolation.

For we care on,what benefit us,

And only us…

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